We are now able to again meet at Brooklyn's!

Watch here for more information about upcoming Chapter meetings.
We also live stream the meetings online via GoToMeeting to help fulfill CE hours for our members and guests.

Event :: July 2024 Rocky Mountain ASHI Online Chapter Meeting

Rocky Mountain Chapter of ASHI

July 2024 Rocky Mountain ASHI Online Chapter Meeting


- Introduction to Ductless Heat Pumps by Kenny Hart
- Overview of A2L Refrigerants by Jerry Mannix
- In-house Roundtable Discussion led by Benjamin Ruh
- RMC Meeting


Introduction to Ductless Heat Pumps

By Kenny Hart

Overview of A2L Refrigerants 

by Jerry Mannix

Followed by
In-house Roundtable Discussion

Start Date And Time

07/03/2024 06:00 pm

End Date And Time

07/03/2024 08:00 pm



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There is nothing you need do; just show up at 6:00pm MT.